adityaathalye 7 days ago

Hah, trust nolen to 1,000x something :))) I have used similar tactics in the past, but separately and definitely not in one day! For the interested:

- Bad Matrix (tput blocks to the terminal):

- Animating Text Art in Javascript (print text into fixed grid, flipbook-style):

- oxo (format and print tic-tac-toe board to terminal, so I can regex-match for win/loss/draw results):

But, I mean, that Bad Apple takes the cake!

(edit: add missing link)

  • DiggyJohnson 6 days ago

    Ahaha `oxo` is an unhinged project to actually execute. Thanks for sharing all of these projects.

    Brb forking and integrating ascii-text third party ads

    • adityaathalye 5 days ago

      Thank you for the kind appreciation. ascii-text third party ads adds a whole commercial dimension... Now, to make it really 21st century, someone can replace the "randumb" computer player with an LLM adversary :)

jordigh 7 days ago

The tech demo that really made me fall in love with Bad Apple was getting it to run on the NES.

Here it is running from my Everdrive.

Yes, with full audio. It's about one gigabyte of data. On a system where the typical game size is no more than a couple hundred kilobytes, and your CPU only has three 8-bit registers for you to do any calculation with.

  • junon 6 days ago

    Very cool. Having done a bit of NES dev I can imagine this wasn't super straightforward to make performant for the graphics, given you can typically only have a few sprites on a row before the NES starts to 'dissolve' them (not sure the term).

    I wonder if it's using the background tile map for this instead of sprites, though that's also an impressive amount of graphics bandwidth.

    > with full audio playback rate (44.2kHz)

    The audio being so clear is also impressive, is that something that the card extends? IIRC the PCM channel on the NES isn't anywhere near that bitrate, and is also 8-bit sample size.

    • Dylan16807 6 days ago

      The channel can either play back delta-modulation samples from memory, or you can directly set the output as a 7 bit value.

      So by burning a lot of CPU cycles, you can keep up a perfectly good sample rate using the latter method.

    • godd2 6 days ago

      The bitrate of the PCM is determined based on how quickly you can write a byte to the register. The fastest you could write general data is once every 6 cycles, which gives ~298 MHz of sample rate, so 44.2 kHz is easily doable if that's all you want to do with the CPU.

      • junon 4 days ago

        Do you mean 298 KHz? I thought the 6502 on the NES was slightly over 1MHz

    • godd2 6 days ago

      > I wonder if it's using the background tile map for this instead of sprites

      Yes, it's all background tiles being loaded continuously from the SD card. We created the tiles with a custom tile de-maker.

      • junon 4 days ago

        Very cool, thanks for the info :)

  • panzi 6 days ago

    That is glorious!

rav 7 days ago

Regarding the Vim macro that ends by going to the next line to be "replayable": You can also use the following command to run the macro once per line:

        :%norm @q
  • eieio 7 days ago

    oh wow, TIL, I'm pretty surprised I didn't know this trick!

    back when I was vim golfing the normal solution was to make the macro recursive. So you'd record your macro, and you'd end it with '+@q' (move to next line and run the macro again). Then you run the macro once and it runs over every line.

    This ends up being really efficient in terms of keystrokes but in practice I think it's hard to think about and not very ergonomic, so I don't end up using it much. But it's a fun trick for golfing.

    • rav 7 days ago

      There's also the no-macro solution where you just use ":%norm [series of keystrokes]" to run the given keystrokes on each line, but that comes with the added difficulty of not giving any visual feedback of what the keystrokes will do before you submit the entire line.

      One thing to keep in mind is that ":%norm" will place the cursor at the start of each line, before any indentation, whereas the trick of ending the macro with "+" will place the cursor at the start of each line after the indentation. But this can be worked around with ":%norm ^@q", using ^ to skip indentation before running macro q on each line.

      • Izkata 6 days ago

        Related to that, macros are just recorded into normal registers. You can get it out with:

        Edit it, and put it back into the register with

        • rav 6 days ago

          Heads up - you should use "qD instead of "qdd to avoid an extra newline at the end of the register contents. (In fact the current Vim 9.1.954 behavior seems a bit odd in that it moves the cursor down, but not to the start of the line, as if j is pressed... Seems like a bug to me.)

          • Izkata 5 days ago

            And D goes from cursor to end of line instead of the whole line. Wasn't sure how complicated I wanted the description to be.

    • cryptonector 7 days ago

      Most often when I run a macro it's to change lines matching searches, so I just start the macro with the search (or `n` if the macro doesn't do additional searches) then I end the macro with `@q` (or whatever register), then execute the macro. I don't think I've ever had occasion to run a macro on every line, though I've had occasion to run macros over line ranges (but still, all matching a specific pattern).

      • rav 6 days ago

        To run a macro on the start of each line matching your search, you can use:

            :g//norm @q
        Here, g// repeats the most recent search, and norm @q runs the q macro on each matched line. This is not quite the same as starting the macro with a search, since the cursor is at the start of the line and not at the start of the match, but it's often good enough.

        You can also restrict it to just the matches inside a range of lines: First select the lines in visual mode, then type :g//norm @q, which will cause Vim to insert a range before g, as in: :'<,'>g//norm @q, which means "between line '< and '>, find lines containing a match of the most recent search, and run @q on each such line".

PaulHoule 7 days ago

These were on sale last month

and my understanding is that you can upload an animated GIF to it... I just added making a "bad apple" GIF for it to my Kanban board though I don't know how much memory the device has and how well I can get it to work.

(Sometimes that part where Remmy Scarlet spreads her wings still makes chills go down my spine)

  • nokeya 7 days ago

    Someone definitely need to shoot Bad Apple using a kanban board!

  • a_t48 6 days ago

    I've done this with Twinkly lights, but the lights sadly don't have enough memory to run more than a few seconds.

  • nl 6 days ago

    I have one of these curtain lights and they are great!

krick 6 days ago

I never get tired of Bad Apple. The best thing on the internet. And almost every time I get somewhat jealous I didn't come up with that idea myself.

Also, I really like how footnotes are implemented in this blog. I guess I'm gonna steal it.

  • eieio 6 days ago

    I stole the footnotes from my very talented friend Jake (, whose work you might have seen on here in the past. Note that they’re sidenotes on large screens but on small ones they swap to inline footnotes that expand when you click on them.

    Anyway steal away!!

sltkr 7 days ago

For the rectangle minimization problem: your problem seems to differ from the one discussed on StackOverflow in that the SO thread discusses partitioning into non-overlapping rectangles, while your Vim project allows overlap.

I wouldn't be surprised if your problem turns out to be much easier to solve optimally.

  • rav 7 days ago

    Actually, from an algorithmic standpoint it's the opposite: the minimum cover problem (where overlap is allowed) is NP-hard whereas the minimum partition problem (where overlap is NOT allowed) has polynomial-time algorithms. "An Algorithm for Covering Polygons with Rectangles" by Franzblau and Kleitman 1984:

    However, that's of course just an academic tangent - the theoretical results don't necessarily imply that one problem is easier than the other when you're just getting something to work for an afternoon project.

  • eieio 7 days ago

    oh this is a really good point! You're totally right, I had completely skipped over the fact that the rectangles were allowed to overlap. I think I'm probably done with this project / I'm pretty happy with the solution as it stands, but I think you're right that this simplifies the problem considerably. Thanks!

    • vidarh 6 days ago

      I think my attempt would've been to flood fill to create an ordered list of spans, then use roughly the same method as the Lebesque integral, using the data from the flood fill as the function.

3eb7988a1663 7 days ago

The parallel candidate solution generator is such a good idea, but it usually takes me a long time to realize I do not need to make the uber algorithm. Just one-more-tweak, and I know that I can make this solution work in all cases!

  • eieio 7 days ago

    it's probably my single favorite trick for making a prototype performant enough! I'm delighted every time that it works.

    but agree that it can be really hard to take a step back and realize that you can employ it instead of writing something "perfect"

codeguro 7 days ago

This is pretty cool! I like the creativity. The games this is based on are pretty good too. Danmaku are hypnotic

29athrowaway 7 days ago

The people running Doom or Bad Apple in different unexpected ways are such champs.

There are some really interesting ones, like running Doom on a pregnancy test.

  • saagarjha 7 days ago

    Strongly disagree on that one; it was basically Doom on some random microcontroller stuffed into a pregnancy test shell.

    • jordigh 7 days ago

      The pregnancy test was the greatest drama to ever hit the r/itrunsdoom community.

manosyja 7 days ago

I remember watching the Soccer World Cup 2006 at work. I logged in my home server via ssh and could watch it in the terminal. Not enough bandwidth for something else.

lupire 7 days ago

As the author admits, it's Vim but it's not regexes. It's "searching" for screen coordinates.

It's drawing in Vim, but not pattern matching.

perpetualchange 7 days ago

Roughly how long did that take?

  • eieio 7 days ago

    Hi! I'm the author.

    Like jchw said, this was a single-day project (although I did the writeup for it the next day).

    I went from 0-prototype in one sitting; I think that was around four or five hours of work? Then I went home, had dinner, and spent maybe three hours optimizing and cleaning it up.

    edit: I should say, i have done a lot of dumb things like this and I'm pretty sure it would have been at least a week of work for me 2 years ago. "making the computer do dumb stuff" is a skill like any other!

    • perpetualchange 7 days ago

      Thanks for taking the time to respond, pretty impressive stuff!

    • panzi 6 days ago

      Doing that in a single day is impressive. Took me two days to do my much simpler version that just prints it using Unicode symbols for legacy computing.

  • jchw 7 days ago

    From the article:

    > I didn’t have the time to find a good general-purpose algorithm: I was working on this the night before weekly presentations at the Recurse Center and I wanted to present it the next day!


    > I built this in a single day

    No estimate of hours, though.

    • perpetualchange 7 days ago

      My browser was apparently bugged, and it didn't show the article the first time... I see it now and am going through it. Thanks for mentioning! :)

sharyphil 6 days ago

Awesome. One can never have enough Bad Apples!

wistle 7 days ago


  • codeguro 7 days ago

    Touhou is just a bullet hell game, relax. Being this upset over it is more a reflection where your mind is at rather than everyone else's.

    • wistle 7 days ago


      • fluoridation 7 days ago

        Can you say what exactly it is that puts it in the genre of lolicon?

      • codeguro 7 days ago

        Either you can't distinguish bullet hell games from porn or you're projecting.

  • saagarjha 7 days ago

    Seems better than using a literal Playboy centerfold.

    • wistle 7 days ago

      Both are objectionable.

      • saagarjha 7 days ago

        Ok, but one of them is literal pornography, and one is…clearly you actually know what the word "hentai" is given you have used it in your comment. What part of this is hentai?

        • wistle 7 days ago


          • jacoblambda 7 days ago

            It's not though? It's a music video for a 100% safe for work video game where small sprites of witches and yokai (supernatural entities/spirits) play what is in effect a much more complicated version of space invaders.

            There is nothing even remotely close to sexual or NSFW in it.